A rebranding project in healthcare

A rebranding project in healthcare. Where do you start and what does it involve? And in practical terms: which brand carriers will need to be replaced in the various departments, what about the specific security requirements, and how do you manage all the different wishes and interests? We have lots of experience with rebranding in the healthcare sector and will be happy to tell you more about it. Our references? You can find them at the bottom of the page.

6 tips for a rebranding in the healthcare sector

Do you want to launch a rebranding project and don’t know where to start? Download our whitepaper for handy tips and tricks.

    A rebranding in the healthcare sector, why is that different?

    A rebranding project in the healthcare sector is often more complex due to the specific requirements and safety standards which need to be meet, as well as the different interests in a unique organisational structure. But don’t worry. We have lots of experience in rebranding hospitals and healthcare institutions and know exactly what to watch out for.

    Impact analysis for clarity

    We offer an impact analysis for your rebranding, in which we do desk research and conduct in-depth interviews to create the best scenarios for your organisation. We review the financial consequences and the impact on visitors, patients and staff, and provide professional scenarios to create clarity. And of course, we answer all your questions and provide regular contact persons during the project.

    Remember staff too

    Healthcare is under pressure. So, make your hospital or healthcare institution a place where everyone wants to work. This is something you obviously try to do anyway, but check out the potential of employee branding, and read our blog about brand experience. An effective way to create an inspiring work environment where staff enjoy working.

    Is rebranding new to you? We do it every day. And we’ve been doing it for the past 25 years.

    We rebrand every day and have great references from different hospitals and healthcare institutions like ’s Heeren Loo, Antonius Zorggroep, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis & Nederlands Kanker Instituut, az groeninge, Florence, Isala, IJsselheem, OLVG, Radboudumc, Sanquin and ZNA (Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen).

    BMN Bouwmaterialen: From Diverse Identities to One Strong Brand
    Rebranding of 's Heeren Loo: Leading Healthcare Provider for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
    PreZero: rebranding the fleet as well as materials
    Embark on a remarkable journey: unveiling the vibrant identity of Dijk en Waard
    Nike The Power of Belonging
    Realization and implementation of a distinctive identity in way finding at Isala Meppel
    Just Eat Takeaway: inspiring environment for creative food enthusiasts
    Surgical-level signage for ZNA Cadix hospital in Antwerp
    Intertrust: A Transparent Vision on Privacy and Interior Branding
    citizenM: One-of-a-kind hotel concept translated to multiple international hotels
    The Greetz feeling as a red line in the 'employee' branding
    Campus feeling for nearly 30,000 students attending VU Amsterdam
    Innovative brand management built on a great working relationship
    Innovative, academic-style wayfinding and signage
    Effective instore campaigns for 600+ stores
    Nike instore brand and marketing campaigns
    How can we develop your brand further?Tom Dijk tells you all about rebranding a hospital or healthcare institution, for example about our step-by-step plan and about the specific challenges (and pitfalls). We will be very happy to help you.