
RGN is moving to DSTRCT/74 in Hengelo!

This move will accommodate RGN’s future growth and offers the opportunity to further professionalise its services. Being part of a smart business premises, the new office is designed and furnished according to the requirements and insights of today and those of the foreseeable future.

Despite the current Covid-19 crisis, management of RGN look forward to the upcoming relocation with great pleasure and confidence. Co-owner and CEO Erwin Scholten van Agteren explains: “This relocation will give a positive impulse to our business and, more important, to our employees. It perfectly suites our values and our goals as a company. We strongly believe in this new concept!”

Currently, the former utility office (Essent) is undergoing a complete make over. It will get an astonishing entrance and a modern and professional, business-like appearance. Next to this it is green and sustainable, having a BREEAM-Excellent certificate and energy label A to underline this. “When you enter the building, I assure you, you will say ‘wow, what an amazing building’. I‘m sure it will be regarded as the most fabulous building in Hengelo”, building owner and developer Edwin Asveld stated in the local newspaper Tubantia.

Is your brand ready for the next move?Send a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Or call us now at +31 88 987 99 00
